Chat with individual page, or entire Collection including attachments within Confluence. Get instant answers to your questions with citations back to the source pages.
The chatbot understands context and can handle follow-up questions naturally. Perfect for quickly finding information across your Confluence knowledge base without having to manually search through pages.
Secure Chat with all data in the Collection
Chat with all data, PDFs, Website, Confluence, Google Drive, Notion in Collection.
Chat within a page or a larger window.
Only the Confluence users with permission to access the space can chat.
Summarize pages
Get quick summaries of your Confluence pages. Perfect for long documents and getting the key points at a glance.
You can generate the summary by clicking the 'Summarize' button on the page or insertng the summary content into the page with the Chatbees Macro.
Ingest Space or CQL with Auto Sync
Ingest a whole Confluence space, or use CQL to filter the pages from one or multiple spaces, with attachments.
Schedule an Auto Periodical Ingestion to keep AI up-to-date.
Ingest additional data sources, such as PDFs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please contact us for additional features or partnership!